Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Spiritually Bi-polar (Day 30)

*Let me start off by saying what I hope is obvious- by no means do I intend to disrespect the term or those who suffer physically from the disorder.*

Have you ever experienced times in your life where one moment you felt great spiritually and undoubtedly, God was in control, or what about a time when you felt like God was far off and your prayers were ricocheting off the ceiling above you as if you weren't worthy enough to utter such petitions? Perhaps you've been in tense moments when you've prayed silently over & over while things were being said or done right before your eyes that God would work right then and there. Well, that about sums up what we encountered and experienced today. 

In my heart of hearts, I wish I were writing that we received E's ID today but I'm not. Marilena (Karina's mom-also an Adoptions Attorney) and I were promptly waiting at the ID office when it opened at 8:30 this morning. After a few rounds with several of the office personnel, and a brief but cordial meeting with the director of the office- we left with the understanding that essentially the ID process now starts from scratch and since it won't throw any flags (the old one has been cancelled), we should have it (God willing) within 48 hours. 

While in the office threatening action pushing for information, we learned that the picture we submitted wouldn't pass through the final step before printed (PROVIDENTIALLY), so we came back to the house to get E and take her to get another picture taken. After that, we went back to the ID office to drop those pictures off. Lo & behold, we were able to speak with the lady that we started off speaking with this morning. She instantly fell in love with E and began signing to her. She didn't know many signs, but she knew a few such as "I love you," among others. As we sat there watching her remove the old pictures and attaching the new ones, she said- "you know, I had another case like this once and the day after the old one was officially cancelled, we got the new ID." So, we took that as a reminder from God that ultimately nothing happens without HIS blessing. Certainly, we want to take what she said with a grain of salt, but thankfully- we can take God's promises to heart. He promised to never leave us or forsake us. Momentary doubts and fears aside, we are confident that God called us to this journey of adoption and we're equally as confident that He will see it through to completion.

Please keep praying for the following matters:
  • God to be glorified every step of the way 
  • E's ID to be generated 
  • That we can get the passport immediately after the ID 
  • Favor with the US embassy so we can get an appointment quickly (perhaps on Friday) and subsequently get the Visa ASAP.  
All the notes of encouragement via email, FB posts & messages have been very encouraging. Thank you! 

I leave you with a verse from Paul that was just a HUGE encouragement to me- "Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you all!

II Thessalonians 3:16


  1. Praying for you all. I've been reading your posts daily. -h. kritikos

  2. You all are in my thoughts and prayers! Hope all the rest of the paperwork gets generated and you can still make it home in time for Christmas!


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