Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"It's not for you, it's for her" (Day 22)

These were the words uttered by our Attorney's mother (also an Attorney) just after 5 PM as we were leaving the Identification office. In a nutshell, we were able to submit all the necessary documentation to receive her ID, now we wait. The office we went to was instituted in order to process IDs in a 48 hour period versus the standard week or so turnaround. However, we were told that because E is being adopted, it would take an extra few days. Mrs. Bartens wouldn't have it. She immediately went to bat, explaining that this had been three years in the making and that we want to get home ASAP for Christmas. She cordially pushed the envelope and although she was unable to get a definitive "yes", she did get the director's name and phone number whom she will call first thing tomorrow. Please pray with us that she will be able to get the ID promptly so things aren't delayed any longer. 

While we were taking care of E's ID, Karina (our Attorney) was busy working with her contact at the US embassy to get the medical form we need in order to proceed with E's TB test. This isn't supposed to happen until after we have her passport, but that can't happen until we have her ID. However, we have all the documents necessary and since its just a matter of when, not if... Karina was able to get permission to procedure with the medical stuff while the ID and passport are in the works concurrently. We are so thankful for two attorneys that are working hard to try and get all these things done quickly. Everyone knows the closer we get to the Christmas holiday, the harder it will be to get things done. We are confident that God will make a way and provide the things we need in His perfect time. 

E did so well in both of the offices we were in today, she was patient and enjoyed the attention from several of the office personnel. The boys enjoyed some adventures including but not limited to a visit to the store, a walk in the park and ice cream with Aunt Lala. 

Mrs' Bartens words still ring in my ears. I had just offered to pay for her taxi ride home when she said those words. She is working hard to help us rescue an orphan... What she is doing pales in comparison to what God did for ME. He offered His own son, to die on the cross in MY place so I could be "adopted" into His family and have the promise of eternal life. Wow. 

Here's some pictures from today's adventures- 

Talk to you tomorrow. 

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