Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Trying to Trust (Day 29)

OWell, in some ways it's hard to believe that we've been here for almost 30 days now. I'm pretty confident to say that we've experienced every kind of emotion, and every level of tension and/or stress that is humanly possible. It's been another disappointing day, speaking transparently. We still do not have E's ID, which is the ONE thing that has now halted the process since last Tuesday. We now know that her previous ID has officially been cancelled (see yesterday's or last Friday's post for more information), but this new request has to travel BACK to the office where we requested it (by Courier) and it won't be there until tomorrow morning. Then, once it's reviewed there- it goes back to the main office where it is now so the ID can be printed. Karina hopes to kindly put pressure on them tomorrow morning to do so quickly...

Here's the kicker- the US Embassy doesn't issue Visas on Fridays (as a general rule), so unless we can have everything in order by Thursday morning (getting the ID, then the passport), chances are- we won't be able to get an appointment at the Embassy until Monday. Monday, as we all know- is the day before Christmas Eve. We don't really know how things would work if it spilled over into Tuesday, but we know for sure that if it didn't happen by then, we'd be forced to stay through Christmas. Right now, we're scheduled to fly out of Lima just after 1 AM on Christmas Eve. Honestly, it would be VERY difficult to have to tell the kids (J & L especially) that we won't be home for Christmas if this stuff doesn't happen in time.

Since our family here is flying back to the US tomorrow night/Thursday morning, we too had consulted with Delta to see about the possibility of leaving at the same time. This was initially thought to be possible before this ID hangup. It would've made sense to leave then since the house will be void of furniture, but at this point- unless EVERYTHING happens tomorrow it's not looking like that is feasible. Also, for a 5 year old girl that's being adopted, and experiencing many new feelings & emotions, trying to understand the concept that "Tio & Tia" are leaving to go to the US, but we're staying for a few extra days might be daunting.

Appreciate you keeping in touch, if you have a second to write us by email, drop us a note on FB, or comment below to let us know you're "out there"- we'd be touched and honored to hear from you...not to mention it would most certainly be an encouragement during these stressful moments.

At the risk of sounding dismal, we wanted to be as transparent as possible with today's post. We hope you'll keep us in your thoughts & prayers.

Trying to trust that God knows best....it's just hard to do sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. Pray for u and the family! To get everything done before Christmas!
    God be with u and the family!
    The Campbell Family
    Big Spring TX


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