Friday, November 29, 2013

Home schooled but not Psycho (Day 11)

For those in the US- Happy Black Friday! We went shopping too...but it wasn't crazy per se, well- check out this video.

For our Deaf friends- the statement I make at the beginning is: "So as a part of today's post- I wanted to share with you a little bit of what it's like to ride in a taxi here in the wonderful City of Lima. So, bear with me and I hope I don't drop my phone on the road." Granted, the snip-it you see in the video is mild compared to how the ride was just moments prior to the point of my starting the camera. Oh well. It was a fun ride, and if I had closed my eyes, I probably would've felt as though I was in Mexico. We did make it to the mall, and found the stroller that we needed for C.

Yes, she's 5 years old but she has some trouble walking and the longer/farther we go, the harder it gets for her. We are anticipating that she will need significant therapy and we are hoping that with that will come improvement for her. She is most definitely a tough-cookie and has many falls throughout the course of a day but not once has she shed a tear. Poor thing- there's been times she's nearly face-planted and just keeps on going. Anyhow, we're thankful that we were able to get something for her to ride in when we go to all these appointments for her in the coming weeks, and then we'll be able to use it as we wheel in and through airports on our way back home.

The most exciting event of today was the first of two verification in-home meetings we'll have. Our attorney & the adoptions office Psychologist came by this morning and spent about an hour here checking-in on how things are going. All in all, they were VERY impressed with the bonding process, and how well C is doing in her new environment. God is so good. One of the things we discussed today was what things would look like for C once we get back to the US. One of the questions was about schooling. Once Michelle mentioned that the boys are home-schooled, the Psychologist was astounded and asked at what point we would move them into a private or public school. When she learned I was home-schooled all but 3 years of grade school- she was shocked. Our lawyer then took time to explain that home-schooling is very much accepted in the US and that there's regulations in place to ensure the viability. All in all, the meeting was great. Number two will take place next Tuesday, and if all goes well- court and finalizing of the adoption will be on Thursday. WAHOO!

We truly appreciate your prayers for us as we continue to walk this incredible journey. We pray that God will continue to be glorified in this process.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. We homeschool our three biological children and are in the process of adopting from Peru. We have been told that the Peruvian government frowns upon homeschooling. I'm glad that all went well with your trip and hope that they understand when we share our homeschooling thoughts some day. Thank you for sharing your experience. I have been learning a lot just from reading your posts. They have been a great encouragement in our time of "hurry-up-and-wait". Cindy


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