I joke, but in all seriousness the road of adoption can sometimes seem lonely- yeah, your family and friends "have your back" and support you through prayer and encouraging words and even financially when they can, but other than that it can get a little quiet and dark sometime. Thoughts like: is this ever going to happen, what were we thinking, why hasn't this piece of paper been approved yet, (and many more) come to mind. THEN, something encouraging happens...
Saturday the 19th we attended an Adoption Seminar in Knoxville TN VIA an invite from some friends who are also adopting. To describe it in one word....(if you know me, that's impossible so here's a bunch of words- I don't know how many though because I haven't finished typing...and if you're name is Robert Long...Love you bro... you might count each word and then let me know how many it ended up being...) I digress... The Seminar was fabulous, we were able to network with several other families who are adopting and meet representatives from several other organizations as well. We came away with a renewed sense of hope and encouragement. Here's a few thoughts to summarize the day-
"Adoption is not a secondary plan, it's a different plan."
The big 'AHA' moment of the day was this- Adoption opens the door of Spiritual warfare like no other. The reality is Orphans (especially in third-world countries) are at a severe disadvantage, the statistics are staggering of the number of orphans that will likely end up hooked on drugs, involved with sex-trafficking, prostitution etc. Why wouldn't the enemy put up a fight for the life of our precious princess and the other 147 million Orphans?! We are overwhelmed at the thought of how many children will one day face death without any hope or peace. Lord, please help us as YOUR children to do something. What will YOU do?
"We are ALL called to Orphan Care (support an Orphan/Orphanage- James 1:27), the question is: Will you be one to take the extra step to give a homeless child a forever home?"
Many other ideas came through the people that we met and heard present there, we'll be sharing more info as time goes on. For now, here's a few things we are grateful for:
- Completed, Certified Home Study is in the Mail! (Praying it arrives in the next few days)
- Many have already purchased a T-Shirt (or two or three) to help promote Adoption in general and thereby donated some money directly towards our adoption. THANK YOU! If you haven't bought one yet, it's not too late. Please see the link on the right side of this page.
- Pray for: I800A ($750 needed to process upon receipt of Certified Home Study), Meeting with Lifesong for Orphans representative, and success of future fundraisers.
- Donate (Please pray our tax deductible account will be set up quickly, 100% of every dollar will go directly towards the cost of our adoption, no administrative costs.)
- That this adoption will be complete by the end of this year.
The Walterhouse Family