Friday, October 18, 2013

Guest Post: $36 Drive to Peru


As of Sunday evening, November 3rd at 7PM, we've raised $3047! Thank you to all who've given, prayed & shared our blog.

Hey Everyone!! 
My name is Niki Fairchild and I have hijacked the Walterhouses blog to share something very near and dear to my heart.
I'm going to go on and jump right in... Here's what's going on- As many of you know, my sweet friends Jonathan and Michelle Walterhouse have been working towards adopting a very precious girl (who is deaf, and was abandoned in the hospital at 11 months old when her parents found this out) from the country of Peru. They have been working on this now for 3 years, (36 months)- and are now at the very final hurdle of purchasing the costly plane tickets to bring their daughter to her forever home. This will cost approximately $3,600. Simply put, they need your help and I'm asking you to please pray and see if God would want you to give. This family was vital in helping me get out of a bad place in my life and have continued to be a source of godly wisdom, advice, support, love and friendship. I am forever grateful for their friendship and count them and their two little boys as my own family. I would love nothing more than to see their family complete. As many of you know this family has been cautioned not to have any more biological children due to some genetic disorders. Yet they know their family is not quite complete, their daughter is still in Peru..
If we can find 100 people, that's it...just 1-0-0 people between now and Sunday, 10/20 at midnight- that would ensure they can purchase the tickets and travel around mid-November. Then, they  an have their princess home for Christmas and their whole family together under one roof- what a present. Celebrating an orphan being found, and NO LONGER being orphaned during the season in which we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who came to ADOPT us- don't you want to be a part of that? Just $36, and then share this with your friends and ask for ONE donation... we only need 100 people to make this happen. Their goal is to be able to purchase tickets by Tuesday 10/22. Thank you! 
Here's the link, (and PLEASE notate "For Walterhouse Adoption Fund")-
If you can, please give to help a family that gives to others without reservation. Let's help them bring their baby girl home to be with her family for Christmas!
Thanks everyone for your prayers and support!


  1. Once a donation is made, how long does it take for the total on this page to update?

    1. We are still trying to get the complete total of all donations so it might be a few more days until we know and are able to update our thermometer ;-)

  2. Great! I just wanted to make sure got what I know was sent! Congratulations and will be keeping your family in prayers.

  3. Thank you So much for your donation! We are so blessed!


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