Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Both Hands Project

Both Hands- One for the Widow, the other for an Orphan.

What is it?
In a sentence- raise sponsorships to serve a Widow for a day VIA cleaning up and fixing her house, and 100% of the sponsorships go directly toward rescuing an Orphan, in this case our precious Eden Grace.

Check out this link for more information. Send us a note if you'd like to know more and be added to the facebook event to be kept up to date.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy (belated) Birthday America!

We trust your fourth was as enjoyable as ours was. Although we didn't get to spend it quite as we'd hoped, we were still FREE to do as we wished and for that we are grateful. The words 'thank you' just don't seem to cut it as it relates to our service members and all they've done down through the years for our country. Until you've spent time in another country, you don't truly understand how blessed we are.

Adoption update-
We're headed to downtown Atlanta today at 10 AM for an appointment with USCIS for biometrics (fingerprinting). We trust it will go smoothly and the hardest thing will be Atl traffic- can I get an "oh, me?!"

We're hoping and praying we'll be able to complete our Psych eval by this time next week, the Psychologist has been out on vacation for the last few weeks. This, coupled with our emergency trip to PA for Michelle's ill grandmother(and her subsequent passing), delayed the eval by a few weeks.

Now for something we're really excited about- A Both Hands Project. We've been approved to raise the final $14,000-16,000 that we need through a project in which a team of people (yes, you're included on the team- we need you) will descend on a widow's house on Saturday, Aug 11 to help repair, clean, weed, landscape, paint, pressure wash, organize and so on. The neat part is this- each team member sends a sponsorship letter to their friends and family (letter, envelope & stamps provided). ALL 100% of funds that come in go towards an orphan- in this case our adoption. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?! We're fulfilling both parts of the command found in James 1:27- "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction..." A Both hands project- pray with us about this, won't you?

We'll be sharing more information here as we have opportunity.

Please keep us in prayer.

The Walterhouses