Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Have you seen this commercial?

This commercial brings me to tears every time I watch it...just makes me think about our little princess so much more...I can't wait to have her in our arms!

Btw, I LOVE this idea!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

ApPERUve it


It's been a while but that doesn't mean things haven't been happening. Allow me to bring you up to speed on where we stand in the process.

Michelle was able to host a fundraising opportunity through a Thirty-One party. The party consultant graciously passed on her portion of the profit towards our adoption, netting us $300. This took care of the remaining balance towards the $2,000 necessary for the home study process to begin.

Also during this time (June to present), Jonathan also interviewed for and accepted a management position at Sorenson VRS. We praise the Lord for that as it has allowed our family to get a much better health insurance program and a more steady income. We are truly grateful for this and how it will in turn help us in regards to the adoption.

As referenced earlier, we have now begun the homestudy process. The actual home visit is complete and now we have moved on to the paperwork portion. We have been fingerprinted in order to receive clearance by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to adopt. We have a few additional steps remaining in this stage of the game and our prayer is that this stage will be complete within 30 to 60 days.

Perhaps the most exciting news is that we received word just a few weeks ago that our little princess has been 'cleared' to be adopted. This is a process that in and of itself can take years to complete but God obviously had other plans. This essentially means we need to continue to move swiftly as the longer she is available for adoption, the more likely it is someone else could pursue her. With thousands of children on the list in Peru this may not occur but there's always a chance. We are continually reminded that God has led us to do this and will continue to open doors as He sees fit.

Items to pray about:
-Speedy Conclusion of Home study
-Favor with State/US government in retrieval of needed reports (child abuse records etc.)
-Locating a Licensed Psychologist to complete a necessary Psych evaluation.
-Wisdom as we strive to follow God's leading every step of the way.